Tips & Tricks to Maximize your Skincare Treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 5 days prior/ Stop the use of over-the-counter Retinol products (if you are using a prescription Retin A or any medication that may make you photosensitive please contact us prior to appointment).

    2 weeks prior/ No face waxing, threading, depilatory creams, bleaching.

    4 week prior/ No face injectables or fillers, e.g. botox.

    4 weeks prior/ No face tanning or ANY sun exposure without the use of SPF (you can still receive a treatment for a soothing cool compress treatment, but no heat, friction or acids will be used).

    6 months prior/ No Accutane

  • Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate! Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol the day before and the day of. Avoid caffeine as it can excite sensory nerves and make extractions more painful.

  • Change your pillowcase, wipe your sunglasses and wipe your phone! Avoid direct sunlight, saunas, steam, liquid foundation and all aquatic activities for 24 hours. Gently cleanse with lukewarm water and follow any specific aftercare instructions the day of. Drink plenty of water and enjoy your new glow!

  • We highly suggest that you do not do any heavy sweating after a facial service in order to fully enjoy all of the benefits! Treatment serums are applied throughout and toward the end of each facial, you don’t want to sweat them off before they have time to absorb and work their magic.

  • No! Please come clean, showered, and with no makeup to your appointment.

  • If you have been diagnosed with an active form of cancer, it is not recommended you receive some skincare treatments. This is because Cancer affects the cells of the body, and one of the primary benefits of some skincare technology is its ability to boost Adenosine Triphosphate (or ATP) energy within the skin cells. This may cause complications.

    Additionally, a cancer patient undergoing treatment, or cancer survivor who’s had lymph nodes removed: must first obtain a release form from their Oncologist.

  • The use of most acids, essential oils and/or skincare modalities is contraindicated for pregnancy. We usually recommend that clients err in favor of caution and avoid spa treatments during the first trimester, however this is when most skin problems occur. Be sure to mention if you’re experiencing acne or other hormonally induced skin problems during pregnancy.

  • Do to impaired wound healing a diabetic may not be candidate for some treatments

If you experience any of the mentioned below you are not a good candidate for massage therapy

Contraindications to Massage Therapy 

  • When you have a fever, your body is trying to isolate and expel an invader of some kind. Massage increases overall circulation and could therefore work against your body’s natural defenses.

  • High blood pressure means excessive pressure against blood vessel walls. Massage affects the blood vessels, and so people with high blood pressure or a heart condition should receive light, sedating massages, if at all.

  • Massage is not a good idea for someone coming down with the flu or diphtheria, as it can spread the virus rapidly through your system.

  • Massage directly over varicose veins can worsen the problem.

  • Elderly people with a severe stoop to the shoulders often have this condition, in which bones become porous, brittle, and fragile. Massage may be too intense for this condition.

  • Massage can further irritate an area of inflammation, so you should not administer it. Inflamed conditions include anything that ends in –itis, such as phlebitis (inflammation of a vein), dermatitis (inflammation of the skin), arthritis (inflammation of the joints), and so on. In the case of localized problems, you can still massage around them, however, avoiding the inflammation itself.

  • Cancer can spread through the lymphatic system, and because massage increases lymphatic circulation, it may potentially spread the disease as well. Simple, caring touch is fine, but massage strokes that stimulate circulation are not. Always check with a doctor first.

  • Diabetes, asthma, and other serious conditions each has its own precautions, and you should seek a doctor’s opinion before administering massage.

  • Anyone with high blood pressure, taking any medication that might react with heat, open wounds or sores, inflamed skin conditions, diabetes and neuropathy, which is numbness and tingling of the peripherals. Also contraindicated is pregnancy.

Your Safety is My Priority

A message from one of sweetest visitors

“My first Facial ever and Gabby was great she took great care of me. It felt amazing. Her massages are soo good. My face looked so good and clean, I can wait for my next appointment”.

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